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A member registered Jun 08, 2020

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I tried clear acrylic, it didn't work... I'm not sure if black acrylic would work better, or if it's the same. But I was using extruded acrylic as it wouldn't frost to white when engraved, and I don't have any extruded black handy.

Yes, I would prefer an SVG. My laser can import vector files directly. It supports G-code, but I've never used that so I don't know how.

I know you said lasers are not ideal, but since you can do this with a hand scribing tool, I imagine it's possible. Is it possible to get a vector file to play with? Something that would support a 0.005-0.07 spot size? Those are the lasers I have, but a fiber laser would be 1/10th that size, and can mark metal, so that seems like it has even more potential.